
the secret life of colors 

colors affect us in different ways by our biological instincts awaken, or feeling and intellect to address. many of the psychological effects of color remain relatively diffuse. the strong physical reflexes, dis • red and blue in humans, are quite well researched and in the context of therapeutic methods in medical practice incorporated. generally, however, the emotional content of the colors have not yet systematically investigated, which is quite unsatisfactory, if you look at the color would like. our knowledge of the colors we want to be following in some extend.
let us not forget that no psychology is very young science. in many ancient cultures, the study of the human soul high, and no müh (has shied more light into the labyrinths of consciousness to bear. the experiences of these civilizations are in some sense superior to ours. we can, therefore, of the ancient systems farbphilosophie of inspiration.
above all, the indian culture in the wake of the immigration of persian tribes in the indus region, illuminations, teaches us much about the relationship of human soul life and body perception. at that early stage was the written vedas, the oldest writings in the world. against the background of the vedic philosophy was about looo years before christ, a medical system that is ethical and philosophical natural components. it was convinced that the human psyche through thought, 'dreams, environment, genetic factors, work, food, music, scents, spices, precious stones, metals and colors is formed. this holistic system is called ayurveda. it was, inter alia, (erro first attempt to study the therapeutic effects of different colors to catalog.
although this holistic method does not distinguish between physical and mental effects will differ, i will only discuss the psychological aspects.
in the indian farbmedizin were seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. these colors of freight with the energy centers of the body, the chakras, in combination, which in the chinese system of acupuncture recalls.
we want these seven classic colors under the color light imagine. as already mentioned, it is something quite different, in light waves to swim, as only the surface of colored fabrics or paper to be considered. i n practice, more colors, or light frequencies, which are also be presented: infra-red, yellow, green, turquoise and ultraviolet. i have found that it is an important complement to the traditional basic colors. we can now play with eleven tones, which is much more varied than just red and blue districts.
however, we must not forget that colors in the first place our feelings and instincts influence, and therefore it is almost impossible, the deeper symbolism of the colors with words to describe. to enter, we need much finer intuition. the prehistoric people painted with bright colors, if they are in their rituals, dancing with the mysteries of the soul in touch wanted. we will now do something similar. we dance a merry dance, in which the colors are vibrant actor family to dance - a burlesque drama in colorful language garb, with gross simplifications and a bit of irony that makes the pitch to better distinguish. curtain up, the idea can begin:

  • infra-red
  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • yellow green
  • green
  • turquoise
  • blue
  • indigo
  • violet
  • ultra-violet

you now have the most visible and invisible members of the light and color to know. you should carefully study them, because they accompany us through life. daily affect us even if we they are not in ensured. perhaps you are missing in this society colorful colors like beige, brown, gray, black, white, pink, purple or olive. these colors are broken in different species and are therefore not part of the original rainbow or spectral.
for farbporträts allowed me certain freedoms. first, i drove over to the characterization, a better idea of how much color actually act. secondly, i have the sake of clarity only the so-called high colors described. there are colors in their most concentrated form. take for example the pink triangle - red - brown. red is the maximum color, while the pink by mixing of white and brown with a black weft emerged. this means that for every color of the above series at least three basic colors to choose from. this would be our repertoire of 29 basic tones (33 tones is not as infrared and ultraviolet can not be broken) expand.
the following rule of thumb. a dilution with white (or light) results in a pastel-colored variant of the original color. psychologically, this is seen as a delicacy, in general experiencing. on the personality level, it is a sign of youth, lightness and vulnerability. with the addition of black (or dark filters), we obtain a shadow tint. emotionally, this means that the major properties of the basic black color dampen. generally one can say that dark tones with age are associated with melancholy and concentrated. each color is thus a bright or dark mask on. thus, we see the red even as a romantic young man, at other times harsh, devious general.
therapy of color of karl ryberg mosaik verlag 1992 page 84-86, 99-100