

dream, hope, love, tenderness, sensitivity, youth, natural, artistic talent.
the faithful "miss green" gives us odd dreams of the soul and gives hope. they dress in fresh grass, which they lent their colors. it is natural, childlike and playful, but also sensitive, vulnerable, romantic and inward - like split psyche, based on the divine love waits. perhaps longs miss green is yes according to their red knight. but his proposals are too shameless. green is calm, but intense, yet warm and cold. as a lovely young woman is enthroned at the center of the green spectrum, it keeps balance. miss green radiates harmony and frugality with the same enigmatic smile like mona lisa. is it perhaps the beatrice of the artist? floras or sister?
poets and minstrels of the young woman making her respects, but in spite of the many free keeps all the secrets of her soul. without to be narcissistic, she knows that it is a great love only by self-love can achieve. your company is a balm for the soul and full of consolation. do you have a loss on the subject of love or grief, you should contact miss green. for her, you can finally open your heart. they learn generosity and naturalness. are you afraid of aging, then we send you to a bathroom in their green color.
you never welkt and is immortal. do not drink too greedily from their source of eternal youth. envy leads to abuse and irresponsibility.
the melodies of the green maiden are almost always accompanied by cheerful and soft timbre. and in the rhythm of waltz summer adapt their chaste pirouettes on perfectly.
therapy of color of karl ryberg mosaik verlag 1992 page 90-91