

intellect, speed, clarity, accuracy, logic, communication, curiosity, cleverness.
our lightning-wiser "vetter yellow" leaves the idea of race and there is no peace. its members are the brightest shades of the spectrum, the color of sunshine, the lemons, the zitrins. nobody has such a bright head like him. he is absolutely unbeatable when it comes to clever ideas or formulations is beautiful. his intellectual curiosity knows no bounds, and he always starts new scientific projects and to feilt theories. in his laboratory bubble tubes and retorts without omissions. like a laser beam penetrates he mercilessly by diffuse and cuts your thoughts krausen thread simply.
dark shadows are chased away. who could be the golden wings of mercury also resist? our cousin is yellow nimble and spiritually and a good entertainer. it stimulates the accuracy and clarity of analysis. cogito, ergo sum - i think therefore i am. do you think your thinking does not rotate quickly enough, or superstition and forgetfulness restricted your movement is an intellectual? if you are so scattered and biased that you clear information on not more to take note? a brief treatment for yellow cousin, your brain and activate your learning.
even the sun has spots. and it must, to the detriment of yellow cousin said that he had many with his sharp tongue and his disturbed electrifying exuberance. the best you can enjoy it in fine-dose quantities. otherwise, its great cunning deceit and treachery to tempt.
the orchestra is yellow, as always in bright diskanttönen voted. yellow cousin loves the dry, metallic sound of the harpsichord and is looking forward to an elegant and lively minuet.
therapy of color of karl ryberg mosaik verlag 1992 page 88-89