modern art building with dtb - which means for the successful implementation of sophisticated design and innovative construction project. with our individual artistic concepts, we have made a name for the drywall donau-gmbh rennertshofen in upper bavaria is one of the leading extension specialists in southern germany. this call is good inside us verpflichtung.der by rainer roeschke with the materials of the company artistically designed
dtb 20 years - complete expansion from the beginning.
expand our business - and we do not restrict ourselves only to the performance of public works contracts. building design and bauberatung complete our portfolio. 20 years experience in the rehabilitation of completely meet each challenge with a creative, attractive and individual needs. where they complete our service to you - from the initial idea through to delivery of their key.
prefer dry art building.
live longer - less cost
dtb expansion with cost-saving, because he knows no dry periods. this time factor saves her money. in this way, they can also fulfillment of one or the other "extra desire" par example an additive art work.
with dtb are living art dreams come true
art piece, colorful columns, bay windows, decorations - even the drywall is additive. with individual decoration and other stuccoes dtb transforms living rooms into living dream. and comfortable atmosphere is much more favorable terms than to have solid construction.
build faster - faster to collect and enjoy art.
unlike the solid, they can of their new home immediately after the execution of our expansion work relate. and their lives so much fun enjoying earlier. when they want to start, is up to them. a call at dtb is enough!
atrium of the stairs of a drywall company was designed with a uv-installation of their work /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/uv_kunst/referenzen_roeschke/fa_dtb_rennertshofen/dtb_uv_mobile_licht/59634-1-ger-DE/dtb_uv_mobile_licht_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/uv_kunst/referenzen_roeschke/fa_dtb_rennertshofen/dtb_uv_mobile_licht/59633-1-ger-DE/dtb_uv_mobile_licht_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_0materials. they can be /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/uv_kunst/referenzen_roeschke/fa_dtb_rennertshofen/dtb_uv_mobile_2/59646-1-ger-DE/dtb_uv_mobile_2_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/uv_kunst/referenzen_roeschke/fa_dtb_rennertshofen/dtb_uv_mobile_2/59645-1-ger-DE/dtb_uv_mobile_2_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_1lit differently.
the sum of all designed /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/uv_kunst/referenzen_roeschke/fa_dtb_rennertshofen/dtb_uv_mobile_1/59639-1-ger-DE/dtb_uv_mobile_1_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/uv_kunst/referenzen_roeschke/fa_dtb_rennertshofen/dtb_uv_mobile_1/59640-1-ger-DE/dtb_uv_mobile_1_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_2parts is an additive whole artwork.