leidling is located in Upper Bavaria in the Landkreis Neuburg / Schrobenhausen on the road between 2050 and Sinning burg home. millennia before the Danube flowed through a valley that has leidling and Sinning in the donaumoos led. donau but the grub is a different way, so that these valleys in the course of time dried.
in the 1970s, farming was an important economic factor in leidling. of about 26 full-time farmers are now only five left. there is still a carpenter and a steinmetzbetrieb.auch rainer roeschke has a detached house uv additive artistically designed. and roof garden, fireplace and all interior rooms including the basement uv been painted black and illuminated.
leidling was founded around 600 n. chr. of the immigrant baiern. Originally the village was called "the settlement of luitilo". it belonged from the beginning to the duke, then to the royal official Neuburg and from 1197 to 1247 the pappenheimern. The first written reference is found in the reclaimed Pappenheim. patronat the right of the church went from 1267 to the Wittelsbacher pappenheimern, which is around 1360 the Benedictines gave in Neuburg. in the time of the Reformation is leidling Protestant.
Its population has fallen since the 1930s, remained constant at about 200 inhabitants.
the center of the Catholic parish of st. georg is the same parish church. the tower and the southwest corner of the nave emerged around 1400 Gothic baptismal font dates from the same time. in 17th century around 1670 came the boat with a sign and the vestry added. at the same time were also the pulpit as well as the high altarpiece of the Holy georg. 1994 was the first house in leidling in the style of additionismus completed and also a year long of rainer roeschke with his family inhabited.
a house was completely inside and outside /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/haus_in_ambach__1/ambach_dachausbau/59481-1-ger-DE/ambach_dachausbau_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/haus_in_ambach__1/ambach_dachausbau/59480-1-ger-DE/ambach_dachausbau_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_0 additive designed. even the /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/haus_in_leidling/uv_keller/67845-1-ger-DE/uv_keller_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/haus_in_leidling/uv_keller/67844-1-ger-DE/uv_keller_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_1boiler room and the /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/haus_in_leidling/leidling_baeder/59574-1-ger-DE/leidling_baeder_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/haus_in_leidling/leidling_baeder/59573-1-ger-DE/leidling_baeder_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_2bathrooms were trans- formed into a uv-dream.