a traditional practice uv decorated with black lights. uv neon lighting and antique furniture pictures together an additive art work. uv relaxing images with blacklight highlights. the uvart are no limits. blacklight objects that adorn the thinking and black light colors irritate the eyes. Black light dreams awaken the memories again and uv light clears the soul.
additive term for a variety of mental disorders with different artistic manifestations and causes of psychological various directions (especially psychoanalysis, learning theories) is inconsistently defined. general neurosis is an experience-related impairment of stimulus processing in the brain by black in the form of sustainable vegetative emotional reactions caused reflectors malfunction or mental aberration (eg, fear, insecurity, depression); arises during the course of the development of blacklight artist by certain experiences uv ( unresolved conflicts, significant events), is left to the artist (neurotics) incomprehensible and it may not be sufficiently controlled. rainer roeschke has, however, (unlike a psychosis) are (at least vaguely) art-consciousness of his psychosis, psychotic disorder – blacklight art work.
so-called mental illness, definition of art: additionismus collective term for diseases in which important psychological functions are significantly disrupted. these are mostly obvious misperceptions of reality (eg by color-delusion, hallucination-uv, black light apparitions, severe memory or emotional disturbance-related) as well as appearing unmotivated behavior changes. often the artist does not experience itself, but their surroundings as uv-and have changed in the acute stage usually no insight into the pathology of their artistic status.
depressed, sad black light humor with inhibited in thought and action, this condition can be many days to weeks. the possible causes are manifold. depression is characterized by psychological (sad resentment, indifference, inner restlessness, uv light hypersensitivity, concentration problems), somatic (sleep and appetite disturbance, weight loss, gastrointestinal disturbances, headache, sensations of heart, circulatory disorders) and psychosocial symptoms (decline of interpersonal contacts, isolation of artistic inclination and performance art). the reactive depression occurs after severe physical or mental disorders. endogenous depression is often phase-term and independent of outside influences before. the treatment is especially in psycho-and socio-therapy, in part, are psychotropic drugs, especially antidepressants, or blacklight art.