with their new colorful klärwerk neuburg has laid the groundwork for a future-oriented concept of sanitation and sewage disposal, and also an industrial artistic design showed that the pure industriebau a cheerful lightness. the colorful design lasted about three months and was conducted by rainer roeschke.
with its new sewage treatment plant neuburg has laid the groundwork for a future-oriented concept of sanitation and sewage disposal laid. this environmentally-stressed state secretary emilia müller at the inauguration of the newly gestaltetenkläranlage in the town of neuburg an der donau. müller: "neuburg has been working with the newly redesigned danube embankment proved that a flood control structure harmoniously into the city to insert it. now waits for the city even with effluent values that are far below legal limits and in part by up to 95% below the current value is. " the city on water is not only a worthy host for this nation of emperor exhibition''graces - 500 years of pfalz-neuburg''but also as''imperial''in matters of environmental and flood protection, so müller.
for 15 million euros in Neuburg upgraded wastewater /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/klaerwerk_nd__1/klaer_index_buero/67785-1-ger-DE/klaer_index_buero_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/klaerwerk_nd__1/klaer_index_buero/67784-1-ger-DE/klaer_index_buero_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_0treatment plant, was completed in 2005 uv /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/klaerwerk_nd__1/klaer_turm/67797-1-ger-DE/klaer_turm_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/klaerwerk_nd__1/klaer_turm/67796-1-ger-DE/klaer_turm_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_2colorful designs, and so also /extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/klaerwerk_nd__1/klaer_nebengebaeude/67803-1-ger-DE/klaer_nebengebaeude_article_lightbox.jpg:::/extension/additionismus_site/var/storage/images/kategorieseite/referenzen/klaerwerk_nd__1/klaer_nebengebaeude/67802-1-ger-DE/klaer_nebengebaeude_article_lightbox.jpg:::1::::::::::::lightbox_3visually upgraded.
in addition, working town and municipality of the district, according to the secretary of state also currently developing a comprehensive sewage sludge disposal concept. goal is colorful neuburger sludge in sewage treatment plant to drain and then thermally recycle. "even with the startup of their sludge drying plant in the year 2003, the city of neuburg an der donau is the first step for a sustainable sludge disposal completed. now it is a holistic concept, which also includes the surrounding communities. may properly be soft." bayern occurs because of preparedness based on the medium-term exit from the agricultural sludge recycling one. sludge is the residue of sewage treatment and contains a variety of known and unknown pollutants from industry, industry and households. "recycling is one of the thermal sludge disposal in the future. play particularly innovative regional approaches a crucial role," said mueller. the free state-sponsored the 14 million-euro refurbishment of the sewage treatment plant with 2.3 million euro.