

what is connected to the color orange?

  • feeling,
  • liveliness,
  • generosity,
  • richness,
  • friendship,
  • opulence,
  • sensuality,
  • glamour.

what comes to mind when you are hearing of the color orange?

the color orange is an "amusing lady" full of warmness and sentiment, who intoxicates and extents our senses. the color orange decks himself with flowers and golden fruits, colored with umber gum. madame orange loves big festivals and wasteful banquets. her frivolous lust of living and her luxurious charm put live into oneself. let your feelings bathing in golden-colored honey.

your friends will love you and your generosity will know no limits. paradise? nonsense, what is for us the deluge. but it is not as bad as it seems to be. everyone of us has the wish to be idolised because we like it to live in a herd. even if the lady orange enjoys her sensuality is she not a decadent hedonist. the color orange resists to the whole of the frivolous applications. please, see to it that you do not lose your real friendship through offensiveness. ( it does not play any role that she the color orange really has an affair with the handsome spark color indigo ). she ( the color orange ) gets for you an extraportion of orange when your life seems to be too lonely and unsure.

which opinion does the french painter delacroix have about the color orange?

visit madame orange when poverty and a lack are in your neck.delacroix, a french painter considered that her color reveals happiness and richness. the sensual pleasures of madame orange will at anytime defy our unwillingness. a hangover creps in. you will possibly become lazy, stubborn and obstinate when you gulp down to much gifts into you, given you by the color orange.

madame orange loves festivalmusic, dance and flirt. she ( the color orange ) does not say no to a snazzier tango.

Therapy of colorof karl ryberg mosaik verlag 1992 page 87-88