

what is connected with the color red?

  • instinct,
  • heat,
  • sexuality,
  • strength,
  • courage,
  • combativeness,
  • impulsivity,
  • openness.

what do you think, when you hear the word red?

the color red is a "wild companion" he inflames the instincts, the body. he stimulates an immense speed in the reflection of blood, fire and rubies. nobody can spark off our animallike urges like the color red. strength and warmth are a part of his ( the color`s red ) world, the breathless hunting and unconscious passion.

  1. do you have a lack in passion or the fast pulse?
  2. do you feel tired and punchy or do you have overwhelmed the shyness and your inferiority complex?

than we can suggest you to make a round with our strong as a bear friend, the color red.

combined with him ( the color red ) you can flex your muscles and test your strength. he is hard but fair. a characterhead with much temperament but also everytime warm and full of love! among him there is no subtle foreplay. immediately away - that is his moto. his wild playings have given him a bad reputation, but he has not deserved a bad reputation.

the color red is seen by most of us as a threatening or as a shocking color. they say about the color red that it appears as ordinary or uncouth. malicious people claim that the color red is sensationalist and dirty. for sure everything what is said can be seen as stupid gossip and such an educated person like you should be so clever that you do not give too much access for red. it could be possible that your temperament becomes to strong because of rage or that your desire becomes insatiable. the color red can be found at the lowest frequency of the visible light. it can also be compared with the beat of the bass.

the color red produces quiet much noise and our friend ( the color red ) likes it most to dance towards heavy metal.

therapy of color of karl ryberg mosaik verlag 1992 page 86-87