

now, what is the color violet?

  • will
  • power
  • religion
  • mystery
  • transcendence
  • excitement
  • brilliancy
  • magical

who is now the color violet?

"mother violet" shows to us what human will really means and lets us to guess our wonderful powers. the meltingflame's light, the amethyst, the violet- all of them are siblings and all of them have respect and show compliments to mother violet. in religious writings people occupy themselves with mother violet, because she inspires to total transcendece which becomes a status of absolute being where are no borders.

artists and sacret people honoured all together the high priestess of all colours. she preserves the timeless secrets of life in monumental stone vaults. mother violet offers her students the best ideas and many phantastic inventions came into existence due to her influence.

heureka! do you dare to come closer to the big mysteries and to release everything in order to win everything? if yes, then go through the violet gate only to try the nectar of ecstasy and liberation. but there is one advice I will give you : please do not get drunk of the hot wine! the big mother violet is in the higher frequency of the color spectrum, that is why you should show her greatest respect. if it should happen that you desecrate her sacraments, this could lead to tragical consequences. this is due to her positive and negative energies which have nearly the same powers. if one thing goes wrong it can lead to a paranoid escape from the reality or even to complete lunacy.

mother violets' tone is a high and eccentric vibration. it is the underscoring for great festivals or the rituals of the templedance.

therapy of color of karl ryberg mosaik verlag 1992 page 93-94